Given Fluorescent Adolescent begins with Uenoyama working hard. His creativity seems to be in full effect since he met Sato.

Nakayama is on the roof enjoying a smoke and he see Kaji and Yayoi, cue the meltdown! I wish he would just tell Kaji that he likes him, but that’s too early.

Kasai tries unsuccessful to wake Uenoyama, but Sato does it with ease. It’s so obvious and we can feel the jealously growing, relax Kasai.

The guys make their way to the sleep spot and Uenoyama tells Sato about the song he’s writing for him! Sato’s glee is beyond adorable.

Nakayama’s friend Take wants the band to play at a concert. Take is a promoter/booking agent for bands.

The band meets up after their session. The guys have a quick talk about their taste in music and the reason why they click as a band. Individuality is the glue that binds them.

Once again Uenoyama loves the dedication that Sato shows, he’s committed to the band!

Sato and Uenoyama are walking to the train station and Kasai and her friend spot them. Kasai is upset and wonders about the nature of their relationship.

Kasai’s friend tells her about a rumor about Sato from their middle school. We can deduce that Sato/Yuki’s relationship was something that wasn’t completely hidden. Let’s see what Kasai does with this information, because we know she likes Uenoyama.

“Is just a memory and those dreams
Weren’t as daft as they seem
Not as daft as they seemed
My love, when you dream them up” Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys

I’m nervous and excited for the next episode!

Read Next: The Reason: Episode 05 Review
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