I purchased The Wicked + The Divine Vol. 1 at the beginning of the summer. I desperately wanted to get into reading comics again.
It begins full force with the Pantheon delegation and we get to see the beautiful art and color of Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson.
Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson masterfully craft this world of gods and rock and roll.
The gods are back. They return to the world of the living as young people, then they die in two years. The clock is ticking.

Regular teenager Laura is a fangirl in the know. Laura is a key piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of who framed Luci (Lucifer). Lucifer is slick and such a solid character. Luci is in a precarious position, but Laura is here to help.
Throughout the volume we meet other gods and we see them is their glory. They only have two years and the inevitable is looming in distance.
The Wicked and The Divine creates a beautiful world. Not just beautiful though, it’s deadly and funny at the same time.
By the end of the volume you are craving for more!