What makes me want to read a book? The art and the summary are the main things that catch my eye. When I saw Intense by Kyungha Yi at Kinokuniya I immediately bought four volumes. Volume one, night on the red road is a solid read.
Intense by Kyungha Yi begins with an aftermath of a suicide. We have gangster types and a young man who now has to carry the burden of his father’s debt. Kyungha’s art is engrossing.
Now eight years in the present and we meet Jiwoon as he ventures into the Red Light District of Seoul. Jiwoon is a Hitman, with dark hair and cool clothes. The silent but deadly moniker suits him well. The Red Light District is filled with the usual suspects, a madam, the ladies and of course the muscle.
Jiwoon is positioned as the back up, and he encounters the quiet Soohan. Soohan takes care of the ladies as they work. He doesn’t speak, but all the women fawn over him and the newest resident Jiwoon is a hit. When characters aren’t talkative we can guess that something traumatic happened.
The manager gives Jiwoon the lay of the land. His job is very simple and we get some information about the power struggle happening in the organization. During this exchange there is a hint of Jiwoon’s preference…
As Jiwoon ponders and enjoys his cigarette he witnesses Soohan being beat up by one of the bodyguards. A pretty blonde lady (Miyoung) is trying to protect Soohan, and she tries willfully to appease him. Finally the attack ends and Soohan is laid on the pavement.
Jiwoon’s reaction wasn’t what I expected, and that was great! Soohan is startled by the unexpected kiss attempt by Jiwoon and he runs off. During this encounter there is a painful flashback and we get a glimpse of the daily hell Jiwoon experienced as a child.
Jiwoon has a dream of a woman, maybe his mother. He’s dealing with an existential crisis of existence. The life he currently lives doesn’t have a fruitful retirement plan, so what is the point? The twosome enjoyed breakfast, and Jiwoon fails horribly trying to bring up the encounter from the previous night.
Hyeshin (Madam Park) and Jiwoon have a chat as they both head to work. She describes Soohan’s past and why he’s in the Red Light District. During there stroll they encounter a scene with Miyoung and Soohan. Jiwoon wonders about their relationship and Hyeshin sets the record straight.
Many of the ladies fall for Soohan, but he’s not interested.

Then we are lead into the office where the bodyguards and the manager are discussing Jiwoon’s sorted past and his preference. As they talk, Soohan intently listens. As Hyeshin told Jiwoon earlier, Soohan can hear quite well.
During this part of the story I really became fascinated at how calculating the manager phrased his questions and statements to Jiwoon. As Jiwoon and Soohan were outside digging he came over and had a slight interrogation of Jiwoon.
Yoonshik, the bossman who took in Jiwoon after his father committed suicide. Yoonshik transferred the father’s debt to Jiwoon. This conversation was suppose to provoke a response, but instead it lead to more introspection by Jiwoon. Who still thinks of the question Yoonshik asked him, “What did I take from you?” What did the loss of his father mean to him?
Fleetingly Jiwoon goes to roof and sees Soohan. My favorite moment of the volume occurs during this quick exchange. Jiwoon explains why he tried to kiss him and that he wants to kiss him again. He doesn’t kiss him and walks away. Soohan’s expression was very telling, he blushed looked away.
Instant attraction is hard to convey. Jiwoon and Soohan’s initial attraction was probably due to them being very similar in their life experiences. You can sense someone who is akin to you. Jiwoon’s heart is fluttering and he remembers another moment he had with Yoonshik.
Jiwoon has felt this feeling before and his heart is aching.
As the volume nears its end a few important interactions happen. Miyoung and Soohan have a quick chat and he expresses that he thinks Jiwoon is weird. She’s heart broken and she knows he doesn’t like her in an intimate way. Then the guys in the office have a conversation about Miyoung and how the other ladies love Soohan because he’s good looking. Jiwoon says nothing.
Jiwoon is walking and sees Miyoung struggling to fix the lantern and he decides to go over and assist. She’s checking out the competition and Soohan comes over to help them. Jiwoon asks Soohan if he’s going to marry Miyoung and leave the Red Light District. Soohan looks at him with pure bewilderment.
The manager receives an interesting call regarding Jiwoon. They have another awkward exchange and this leads right into Jiwoon confronting Soohan.
Jiwoon wants to know why he doesn’t like him and he wants to know what he did. He purges out all of his confusion and Soohan is just taking it all in. Jiwoon remembers his father and his cruel behavior. Soohan grabs his arm and says, “I don’t dislike you, I don’t.”
Soohan rushes away, and goes back to his room to reflect. He blushes, yet again.
I thoroughly enjoyed Intense by Kyungha Yi!
Buy from Amazon: Intense
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